The AA Crew are wheels down in Nuremberg, and IWA 2025 is a go! Meeting up with Miguel and his fellow GHOST OPS team-mates Bruno and Sarah this will be the enhanced AA Crew for the remaining days of the show. Bill has now reported in and told us:

“It’s been a brilliant first day of my favourite show of the season, and we’ve already experienced so that is 100% positive!

We set of at stupid-o’clock on Thursday and after a smooth flight to Nuremberg and checking into our apartment we set off straight to the Messe to check in and grab our Press Passes. We then spent the afternoon meeting up with old industry friends, which was a real joy, before grabbing some food and crashing out.

Heading up to the show bright and early after a good sleep, our first meeting was with NUPROL where we saw their new all-polymer AEGs; these are the first new AEGs that we’ve seen from NUPROL in a while and they look simply fabulous! The price points will be super-keen and we’re sure players are going to love them!

Vorsk next and Oh my word! We’re excited as the new VMP-2 has new landed with us, but already they’re onto the next part of the program with the VMP-2S, SC, and C (pictured), and it’s looks have really grabbed at a lot of heartstrings already… and I want one!

And that’s not all, as we got our first look at the VMAR, the Vorsk AR, and this looks amazing! More on this to come in the show report next issue…

VFC are really having a ball right now, and both Jase and Bruno fell in love with the LAR OSW. As an old-skooler it was their PPsh that took my fancy, and I’m looking forward to shooting this on the show range tomorrow!

ROSSI next and they had some cool things to tell us about (Shhhh…!) before we headed on to SPECNA ARMS to meet with Olga and Camilla. After sorting our schedules we took at close look at what’s to come in their SATAC range of gear, before checking out their 3D printed design concepts and a rather tasty AK rail and stock system… before we looked at their proposed pistols, MP5 and SCAR H! These guy sre cooking on gas right now and they ain’t letting up anytime soon from what we saw!

On to VICTOPTICS where Curtis very kindly showed us all through their new optics creations (super-cool!)… and then the crew went on to nail their raffle… we’ll be talking in more detail about their products soon!

While the guys went off to scout out more goodies, I met with Sakari from TERRABB and I was REALLY impressed by his scientific understanding of what needs to go into a proper biodegradeable BB… I’ll have my interview with him in the new issue on the 15th…

Rounding the day out, it was back to SPECNA ARMS for their stand party. Thank you to Alek and Piotr for the invite, we really had fun!

Of course, during our wandering we saw a whole lot more people and got some great leads as to what is appearing at IWA 2025.

DAY 2 tomorrow, and we’re good to go!”