Whether you’re an HPA-user or not we think you’d have to be blind and deaf not to know about all the wonderful goodies that the guys over at MANCRAFT gave created in recent years.

However, you may also have read about the floods in Poland, and although we’ve checked in with our Polish airsoft mates to make sure that they’re all okay, it seems like some have been hit far, far harder than others by this natural disaster. The guys at MANCRAFT told us;

“You may or may not know, but, among other cities in Poland, our city was hit by the flood of the century. Our entire company was flooded and we lost everything. We won’t place sad photos here, you can see everything on our social media.

A terrible disaster occurred and we lost our entire company that we had been building for 14 years. The largest flood in history caused us to be flooded to a height of 200 cm. Unfortunately, nothing could be saved – it was a total loss.

We are trying to get back up from our knees, putting a lot of work and resources into it, but I am also looking for support in the airsoft community. We need your help to spread this information more widely. Would you be able to publicize the topic in Airsoft Action?”

And we responded “OF COURSE”!

It is a fact that this flood has devastated their premises located in the town of Głuchołazy in Poland, destroying equipment, machines, workstations, and finished products, the result of many years of hard work and passion. We’re therefore reaching out to everyone in the airsoft community worldwide to show that we care about everyone in it, and the team at MANCRAFT need to know that this care is real.

Joining others in both the player and industry communities we appeal to you to help MANCRAFT. Again they told us;

“We have a local fundraiser started, but the thing we need is an international one. Hundreds of thousands of people were affected by the flood. By the time insurance companies are able to pay it out and complete all formalities, we may no longer exist.”

And this is something we cannot allow to happen to ANY airsoft company if it is within our power to help!

You can find the details of the fundraiser by clicking the LINK HERE, and we have been assured that every donation, even the smallest, will bring them closer to rebuilding their company and returning to doing what they, and indeed many of us, love!

Dig deep people, it’s time to stand up as one and show our support.