As another new issue has settled in this week and the read-numbers begin to mount up as usual, regulars that follow us should know that we NEVER stand still at AIRSOFT ACTION and right now we’re looking to recruit to add to the ranks of our international reporting team, the AA LEGION!

Each month via our award-winning 100-page digital magazine we endeavour to deliver consistently high-quality news, reviews and stories of games, events, and competitions in the wide world of airsoft, with some absolutely first-rate contributors and writers from the UK, Europe, the Far East, and Australasia.

To widen this coverage further we’re looking for a couple of committed players in the USA with an interest in a broad range of airsoft disciplines to join our regular reporting crew and become a part of the ever-expanding AA LEGION!

Ideally we’re looking for three players with a passion for all things airsoft, one broadly East Coast, one Mid-West, and one West Coast to share their game and event stories with the rest of the airsoft world on a freelance basis; the ability to string some words together would be a bonus, but we can help with that, as it’s the commitment to enriching and understanding our individual player communities, and a passion for global airsoft news that we’re looking for most of all!

Our current “main-man” in the USA, Dan, is being moved up to the position of DEPUTY EDITOR USA to reflect his own personal hard work and commitment to moving AIRSOFT ACTION forward over the past few years. Joining Editorial Director Bill in Europe and Stu, our Deputy Editor Asia, he’ll act as a “same timezone” point of contact for our new all-American team, allowing them to cohesively develop things forward in their own way and forge even more AIRSOFT ACTION relationships in the USA… if we’re doing things differently, why not move things up a major gear in relation to our “US footprint” at the same time?

Go large, or go home, right?

So, if you’re an American airsofter with a passion for our beloved game, if joining the award-winning ranks of the AA LEGION on a freelance basis sings to your airsoft heart, and the thought of sharing your game stories and event reports with thousands of fellow players around the world each month excites you, then please get in touch… and if you know a fellow player you believe would be a good fit, then please tell them about this opportunity!

If this interests you, in the first instance drop Editorial Director a mail,, and we’ll go from there… we look forward to welcoming some new blood to the “AA FAMILIA” and sharing even more stories about airsoft where YOU are!