We’ve just received a NATIONAL AIRSOFT FESTIVAL 2021 update from GROUND ZERO AIRSOFT!

They told us:

We hope that you are well. It has certainly been a crappy year or more hasn’t it. Onto better things…

If you did not already know, we are very pleased to bring you the GOOD news that the National Airsoft Festival IS running this year as normal. 

August 27th to 29th.

Bookings are open, and there are now just a few weeks remaining to book your place!

We were waiting for the go ahead from Old Borris, which has now happened… so it’s full steam ahead. The stalls are booked… the yummy food is booked… the booze is booked… are you booked??!

We hope that you have enjoyed coming in previous years, and we very much look forward to seeing you again at this years event. It’s the perfect opportunity to dust off the guns and stretch your legs with your airsoft mates in the little summer time we have remaining! 

Because we have opened bookings much later this year, there will be a surge last minute and we may look to cap numbers if necessary. You can book your place now and then pay later, or pay in instalments, it’s entirely up to you. 

Simply visit www.airsoftfestival.com to make your booking with your team, and we’ll see you in just a few weeks time!

The NATIONAL AIRSOFT FESTIVAL is the UK’s BIGGEST AIRSOFT EVENT and, with up to 4,000 players taking part this year, the “social” side of the event once again promises to be as excellent as the game itself!

This is (some of) what happened at the 2019 event…
