Oh yeah, we really are in shotgun mode this week, so we thought we’d take a moment to spotlight another model we currently have in test, and that’s the DOUBLE BELL SAIGA 12K that we poicked up recently from iWHOLESALES!

Yesterday we talked a little about the “classic 870” and the only thing that the SAIGA shares with this is that both could be used for hunting… hunting “what” is of course down to you!

The REAL Saiga 12, a semi-automatic shotgun, was modelled along the lines of the AK; Initially designed for civilian hunters, a variant with a shorter barrel, the Saiga-12K, was later introduced to meet the needs of law enforcement. Its ease of reloading and ability to be fired in the same stance as rifle has made it a popular choice in markets outside of Russia, and it’s said that this shotgun is used by the French anti-terrorist units RAID and GIPN!

What we know most definitely though is that airsoft shotguns have changed dramatically in recent years, and that the SAIGA continues that evolution of “the new breed”! The SAIGA-12K replica features a reinforced V3 gearbox with a quick spring change system. It also benefits from being able to work with MOSFET systems such as the Kestrel V3 and other similar models.

Outside it looks plain mean, and inside you’ll find a set of reinforced steel gears with an 18:1 ratio, mounted on 8mm bearings, ensuring smooth operation. The piston is equipped with metal teeth and works with a Type 1 piston head; optimal compression is maintained by a reinforced polymer hop-up chamber located under the fake bolt.

So, we’ve got this bad boi on the range already, and oh my, it is one big old heap of airsoft shooty-funtimes… although we wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end! We’ll be continuing our testing for a while longer before we drop our full evaluation but for now we’ll just say that if you have a chance to try one… go for it!