So, here is the moment that we knew would come… FACEBOOK just “unpublished” the AIRSOFT ACTION page.

Whilst we will continue our work to champion airsoft around the world here on our own webspace, via other available channels, and in the monthly magazine, we have to ask out loud if it is actually worth returning to FACEBOOK at all?

Yes, we have lodged for a review of their decision, and will of course contact Oversights to see if we can get our page reinstated, but ultimately the phrase “their ball, their rules” springs immediately to mind.

Even with this though we have to ask just WHY ARE FACEBOOK/META TARGETING AIRSOFT, a game that is legal in almost every country worldwide, for their particular attention?

That’s a question we genuinely can’t answer, but as we said earlier it may just be the best thing for us to just bin their platform entirely… as you can imagine we’re pretty pissed off and disgusted that years of work has just been arbitrarily removed from the public domain right now, and we’ll have a good think on what to do in the future, but for now it’s the weekend and we’re off to shoot airsoft guns in the sun!

Wishing you all the very best for your weekend ahead!

Bill & The AA Crew