Where is the time going? This month has absolutely flown by!

With some of the big summer airsoft events already under our collective belts, and with still more yet to come, we are busier than ever-before at AAHQ, and with a new issue, our “Summer Special” now very much underway there’s a whole heap of testing and re-testing going on before we drop one of our biggest Red Cell articles ever!

Of course there’s all the usual business going on too, with members of the AA LEGION out on the range, joining games and events, and getting down n’ dirty with some “secret projects” in the dark depths of our own “skunkworx”!

ISSUE 164 is looking mighty fine, and we’re looking forward to sharing this one with you in a couple of weeks time; this means that some of the AA Crew are stuck inside behind their monitors, and Bill told everyone that “when we’re putting the new issue together, that’s the busiest time of the month for me, and it does involve being stuck in my office for longer than I’d like! However, getting things right is important to all of us, and as ”the guy steering the ship” I need to ensure that all the hard work and creativity from everyone is showcased as best possible each and every month, and we owe it to all our readers to make sure what we produce is the best it can be… that said, I WILL make time for some rangetime with some of my pistols this weekend, not testing, just shooting, and it’s time for the VORSK 5.1 (pictured this week) to have an outing and get some BBs down it’s barrel again!”

Boycie is also planning some range-time as he said “I’m hitting the range to see how well the <Redacted> fairs and how good it is on gas. With the weather looking okay I’m hopeful that it will do well. Also I’ll be chatting with ‘L’il Stu’ and Steve about future plans….more to come on that down the pike…”

Stewbacca checked in to say that “I’m back in circulation after last week’s training class (which had some excellent and encouraging marksmanship from our two regulars present, both of whom have bought their own guns now). Team TaiJi along with some noobs will be out at Yangmei again for some indoor/outdoor CQB funtimes – I may take the LCT AK74MN along in yet another iteration for an upcoming report, but might also drag a GBBR or two along too because hey… it’s me…”

Rich told us that “I’m down for a BattleSim at Redcon 2 on Saturday… 8 hours nonstop…” and Ben said “I’m out Sunday at Cool Under Fire get some more awesome footage; the site had a little change around with some cover so it should be interesting to see how that plays out!”, and Miguel told us that “this Saturday we will spend the day in our field, preparing a rehearsal for an upcoming Zombie Survival event. And Sunday we will be present in a game organized by one of our friend’s teams.”

And talking of which, some of the AA Crew are actively involved on their local sites, as Jimmy reported “we have recently been undergoing a few changes at Cool Under Fire. A few tweaks to the site, moving objects to bring new areas of gaming, moving materials around the site ready for build days. We have finally got the shop into a permanent fixture; we now have a 40ft container for the Site Shop which makes life so much easier. This Saturday though I am at the workshop; I have yet again another mountain of RIFs in for repairs and upgrades, fingers crossed I can bash all them out as Sunday I am onsite for some game action! Following on from my last visit I am going to be running an AEG again;. I’ve been running HPA and sniper rifles for a while now but decided recently to go back to my airsoft roots and get out there with a G36 and a drum mag; no cumbersome plate carriers or over-cluttered belts should make for a fast paced fun day out!”

And also on the workshop front Dan said “the plan this weekend is to whittle away at some of the smaller repair projects; I’ve got three from the local rental fleet that are experiencing electrical issues. I suspect the factory MOSFET’s are going bad. not unusual for this particular brand, so I’ll likely need to build some new wiring harnesses for them as we prefer to convert them to simple analog machines as the FET’s go down. I also have an Echo1 M240B that’s had a million rounds put through it that I need to inspect and give the customer an estimate on. Then of course, my weekly ritual of cleaning off the workbench so I reclaim some precious space again…”

So, there it is… busy, busy is us!  Whatever you may be up to this weekend we wish you all the very best for your own airsoft adventures; with some REALLY hot weather starting to hit us all, please be mindful of your hydration levels, and as always we’ll sign off for the week by saying Play hard, Play safe, and above all, Play with Honour!