This year really does seem to be flying by, and even though ISSUE 164 has really just gone live, we’re already very hard at work on August’s ISSUE 165 with some real airsoft goodness lined up for upload as always on the 15th of the month!

We know we always say it, but the tempo at AAHQ just keeps on cranking up, and we’ve got SO MANY new and long-term models in test right now it’s scary… and the manufacturers show absolutely no sign of letting up with new releases!

And there are games and events aplenty for us all to get stuck into! Miguel told us this week that “this weekend will be our last game before our summer break, and it’s going to be a special one! We will be helping the biggest Airsoft Association in Portugal (ANA) in organizing one of their yearly games in one of our fields, the Night Ops event. It’s a full on night event, with special aspects for those rocking NGVs or Thermals, several different missions that the players (divided into sections) will have to do in both the offensive and defensive part. And while they wait for their next mission, the players can always be part of the “Conquest”, a non-stop domination/skirmish game, where controlling certain areas will also contribute with points for their faction. There is also a “village” set up, where players can get something to eat/drink from a BBQ stand and, of course, mingle among all who are present.” This is always a very special game, so we’re really looking forward to sharing Miguel’s event report soon…

Stewbacca meanwhile told us “Having picked up my MP5 SD3 GBB SMG (pictured this week!) from VFC’s Pentagon Service Centre as soon as they were available last Thursday (and buying it outright with my own funds; I vote with my wallet, fellow shooters!) I got it and the additional magazine home and prepared them for their first outing. I took it along to the Friday IPSC session at team SPPT’s usual training space and did a few rounds on stages with it, and it did not disappoint (headcam videos available on my Instagram account); suffice to say it put holes in papers in short order and put down all the steel poppers with ease.

I also took it along to last Sunday’s game at Xindian and even running just .30g BLS BBs it was reaching out to the back berm at over 80m with little difficulty, and I managed to eliminate three opponents in the first game round alone, and another three or so in the second and final games apiece. It is, like most recent VFC releases, daft consistent and accurate out of the box, and handles very nicely with the chunky ribbed rubberised front handguard over the faux suppressor, with a similar overall length to the HK53. I’m looking forward to putting more BBs through it next weekend as we finally return to Pewniversity as well!”

And Dan is out too this weekend  too as he told the chat “I will be hitting up “Red Dawn” this weekend! Just need to finish up some final gear checks and make sure everything is squared away. Planning on running the Arcturus PP-19-01 with my LCT AK-105 as backup, as I want to also test out my new SMG vest layout and some of the Esstac mid-length KYWI’s that I just picked up for my taller Glock mags. I’d otherwise probably have rocked the PKM, but it’s currently down while I’m waiting on a new motor for the box mag to arrive from Hong Kong and having the ESC on the Warhead upgraded to the new version. Timing, always timing…”

Ben told us that “after taking my kids out to see the new Deadpool and Wolverine on Saturday I shall be readying up for the Sunday game; I’ve got some bits to get covered for the magazine and get myself some hopefully sweet footage to be posting!”

And one of the things hopefully getting some field time will be the new G&G LevAR! Bill also told us  that “I’ve been working up the short version of the LevAR with some tasty accessories from VORSK and NUPROL, turning into a bit of a “post-ap” stealth beast so I want to get that onto the woods range on Saturday to see if everything works together, and continue the testing that I’ve been doing for the past month or so… thus far it’s behaved superbly, and I love its unique nature… especially the lever action which is properly old skool meets new And there’ll be some movie time for me too… yup, Deadpool and Wolverine baby!”

Jimmy is hard at it as always too, but this time out on the field as “this weekend I shall mostly be shooting things and fellow players. I have smashed through the mountain of work at the shop which has given me the opportunity to get out at Cool Under Fire locally to test my new Mancraft-powered franken-M16/SR25 build… which I am really looking forward to! We are staying overnight on site and hopefully the site owner will be taking us to his “undisclosed range” to shoot some real pews, how exciting!”

Boycie is “rocking out with my Glock out and doing some practice drills for some upcoming things I’ll be doing at <Redacted>” while Lil Stu is “going through the surplus kit and prepping to sell off what isn’t used, and then Sunday it’s off to the local cinema to see Deadpool and Wolverine!” It seems like there’s a bit of a pattern emerging here with the AA Crew!

Whatever you have planned for yourself this weekend, we hope that you have a good one and get to chuck some BBs downrange too! That’s us signing off for another busy week, and if you’re out in-game, as always… Play hard, Play safe, and above all, Play with Honour!