The end of yet another busy old week at AAHQ as ISSUE 168 begins to take shape, and of course the entire AA Crew are out and about as always checking on the latest airsoft stories, and evaluating all the new AEGs and GBBs that still seem to be emerging… even though “show season” is literally around the corner with the promise of even more new goodies!

We’re still psyched to have become the first-choice airsoft publication approached by the team at IWA OutdoorClassics to join their Media Partner scheme, and we hope that by taking up this fabulous opportunity we can help them to understand airsoft better, and to work with them and all our manufacturing friends to make airsoft even more successful at the show than it has ever been!

After a difficult time over the past couple of years for the entire airsoft industry things are definitely getting better and better day by day, certainly if this year’s tempo of continual releases is anything to go by, and we’re certain that when we report on the 2025 show in Nuremberg that the re-establishment of airsoft front and centre will be positive and obvious.

It’s important to all of us at AIRSOFT ACTION that we support initiatives and take up opportunities that will ultimately benefit our global community, and make us stronger; having even a small voice in how that develops at Europe’s premier outdoor and shooting show we hope will allow us to put forward the needs and wants of airsoft in a meaningful way… basically we want to see airsoft grow even further and be as successful as possible at IWA OutdoorClassics.

We’re going to be very transparent (as always) and tell you that there is no financial benefit to AIRSOFT ACTION in this arrangement, but to make something grow positively you have to commit to being a part of the process… sometimes certain things have to be done for no gain when it benefits the community we belong to, and will do so in the future, and that’s where we’re at. Once again we extend our thanks to IWA OutdoorClassics, we’re 100% proud to be your first airsoft choice!

But let’s move on to right now, and the AA Crew are heading out this weekend as you’d expect!

To kick things off this week Bill told us that “Jase and I are off to a new airsoft shop, Modern Warrior, opening locally on Saturday, then Ben is bravely dragging me out to a skirmish at his regular site, Cool Under Fire… I’ve gotta say I’m actually bizarrely excited to be heading out to a good old skirmish again now my treatment has finished and I’ve recovered… especially as it’s their Halloween game… looking forward to some spooky old action I am!”

Ben then replied “yep, Saturday I’m off to London for ComiCon, doing my Ghost loadout whilst my son is dressing up in his Mandalorian costume, then Sunday off to Cool Under Fire with Bill; I hope the weather holds good for us and I can get some bang-on footage of the old boy doing his thing as it’s actually the first time we’ll have played together…”

Rich is also off to somewhere new as he said, “On Saturday I’m off to RIFT Airsoft’s new CQB site for their test day. It’s invite-only, a case of seeing what they can and can’t do there. Should be interesting!”

Dan’s as ever is toiling over the workbench; “I am hoping to have a somewhat elusive RDX BOSS Shot Detection Module arrive so I can get a project finished up and sent on its way to Matt before he flies out on the 1st! We’re getting right down to the wire, and time has just not been on our side it seems lol…”

Miguel and his fellow GHOST’s continue with their new recruits, and he told us that “this Sunday is the “game out” day with the team candidates. We will attend the Missão Rosa (Pink Mission), a solidary game that aims to help a Breast Cancer association. It will take place in a field known to us, with a higher level of difficulty, with different terrain levels and really thick woodland areas.”

And of course Stewbacca (pictured this week) and Team Taiji are on the go as always; “Team TaiJi will be trekking north up to Sanzhi to play in the abandoned tile factory site we have up there; we have a new Saffa joining us again after his debut last weekend borrowing my guns and gear, I’ll likely try and get my FAL behaving again before then and also take along and round off my initial review of the Archwick APC9SD2 before submission for next issue while I’m there too. The weather has gone from dank as hell to rainy season here all of a sudden, another big typhoon sweeping across our bottom and doing our friends in the Philippines in a bit it seems…”

Different countries, different environments, and different styles of airsoft… that’s what we all love, and what we love to share with all of you! We hope that you’ve got some airsoft adventures of your own planned for the coming weekend, and wherever you’re slinging BBs, Play hard, Play safe, and above all, Play with Honour!