Weekend spotted, and at AAHQ at least it looks like it’s going to be a scorcher… so we all need to be mindful of our hydration as we head out to games or to the range!

As always we’ve been quiet this week as we let ISSUE 164 mellow out at the top of the page for a few days, but rest assured that we’re fully back into it, with ISSUE 165 already starting to pull together nicely… obviously that’s still a way off, but getting stuff fully-tested before we publish our reviews is “our way”, and it’s a formula that allow us to be consistent in the test results that we bring you each month.

But the guys are out and about and doing their thing as usual, and Stewbacca told us that “I’ll be back to regular skirmishing and training activities with Team Taiji heading into the southern foothills of Taipei in Xindian, putting some more testing into the LCT AK74MN series ready for further review submission in next issue, but also I’m excited to get my hands on VFC’s new 2024 version MP5 SD3 SEF GBB hopefully tomorrow after work, or failing that on Friday or Saturday before the game day.”

Our newest Legionnaire Rich is also out and getting into it as he attends an invite-game at a very special location, and he said “I’m off to Drakes Island in the UK for a private day of at the most 25 a side. Last weekend I had a last-minute moment of madness and booked into First and Only The Jungle for a 10 v 10 day… God, I love low numbers games!” We look forward to bringing Rich’s report on the Drake Island game soon!

Dan is busy in the ‘shop again and said “the plan for this weekend is to continue to chip away at the pile! I’ve got several cases of VFC and Classic Army SCAR’s to dig through yet, all of which have various little quibbles from sitting dormant for so long. They’re taking up a fair bit of room and if I can get those ready before Red Dawn on the 27th, I’ll sleep a bit easier.

In my idle time, I’ve doing a bit of research on retro / modern carbine mash-ups too. While I love my 733 ERG build, I sorely miss having a red dot. So if I’m going to go the step of adding one on there, I am debating on going with something old school or something more modern, followed by some other aesthetic changes. I really like the look of the old Trijicon Reflex on the gooseneck rail, but both are now fantastically expensive these days! We’ll see how it pans out…”

Jimmy told us “this weekend I shall mostly be fixing stuff! I am in the same boat as Dan as I too have a healthy pile of stuff to fix as well as a Classic Army SCAR which someone fitted the wrong gearbox in. I have a minigun (Bens!) to fit a shroud onto which is not a 5 minute job sadly. I also have a few shop pews which need power adjustments and a ghastly L96 which needs a power decrease; how it even left the last shop @nearly 600fps is beyond me; if you don’t own a chrono it’s best you not be working on pews! Sunday is down time for me, and I shall be enjoying a pants day and mainly playing COD, followed later in the day by an adult beverage or three…”

Li’l Stu reported in to tell us that “I just got my hands on an old PTS Masada; it’s externally a little worn but I already have a plan for a nice Cerakote job on it. Mechanically it’s sound, and the previous owner has given it a new HOP unit, G&G green rubber and a basic Gate Fet installed; I’ve got a spare nanohard/programming card, so I can see that being swapped over soon enough.”

Bill (banned on Facebook again the naughty rabble-rouser… for posting about AIRSOFT!) told us “as I’ll not be contributing on my usual social media group pages this weekend I can see a longer-duration session on the woods range ahead of me; I might even take the BBQ along and make a day of it! As always we have somewhat of a backlog of AEGs and GBBs that need their time on the range (and in the sun!) so I’ll be addressing that while conditions are stable; I do love testing in the summer when I can just chuck on my range shorts, and t-shirt and ballcap and my eyepro and have at it all day long!”

Boycie is taking it a little easy for once and added that “I’ll be spending some time working on a future article, plus planning both a UKPSA Pistol Safety Course and looking for a venue for a future UKPSA Action Air event” whilst Miguel is as full-on as usual! He chipped in to say that “this Sunday we organized a small joint-practice with another team and some independent players. The idea is to simulate small game situations with 3 forces involved, different scenarios and numbers involved…”

So, very much business as usual for the AA Crew, with things happening in-game, in the workshops, and on the range! We hope that you have some awesome airsoft adventures planned yourself, and we’ll sign off as usual by saying HYDRATE, HYDRATE, HYDRATEPlay hard, Play safe, and above all, Play with Honour!