It’s that time of the month at AAHQ where things are a little quieter; the major work has been done by the contributors team to bring in their stories and reviews ready for the new issue that goes live every 15th of the month, and now of course it’s time for the “office bods” to do their bit with editing, proofing, and formatting ready for everything to be uploaded!

We always breathe a little bit of a sigh of relief at this point in the month, as everything starts to come together, and as always it’s a big team effort of like-minded individuals who pull together as a team that gets the job done.

And indeed it’s that time of the year at AA when many of our Crew are taking their summer downtime; Miguel and his fellow GHOSTs in Portugal schedule this in every August, and a number of the regular crew are away on their vacations enjoying time (we hope!) with their friends and families…

But of course some of the AA Crew just keep on cranking, and Stewbacca commented in our group chat this week “I’m back in regular circulation following last week’s very successful CivDef course, Team TaiJi will be going far north again to the Sanzhi tile factory for some indoor CQB funtimes, newly kitted out newbie gal in tow – we’re zeroing in on her ideal kit setup, I’ll be taking the VFC M733 and LCT AK74MN along for more trigger time, and photo opportunities.”

Boycie told us that “I’m working on some training for a couple of airsofters who visited “work”. I’m also making time to plan some more of getting our first Action Air Practical Competition sorted. There will also be UKPSA Action Air Competition Licence courses coming up, and when a delivery arrives I’ll be writing up the new Med kit I’ll carry. This all comes from the course that I completed and will be written up for an upcoming issue of the monthly magazine.”

Bill told us from AAHQ that “I’m wrapping up the content coming in from everyone right now, before sending it all up to design to get it formatted; once this is done it will come back to me so that I can check through everything to make sure we’re good to go for uploading ISSUE 165 next week… of course, as it’s going to be a lovely weekend I’m planning some rangetime (I’ve been lucky enough to get some week-night shoots in as well!) as our testing process never stops… lined up I have a new AR from DELTA ARMORY to start working up, along with further “rounds down” on one of the latest ARCTURUS AKs… and I want to shoot the STACCATO P COMP SOC (pictured this week) a bit more… testing is actually done on this and the review written, but it’s just a lovely pistol to shoot…”

With lots of airsoft adventures planned for the back end of this month, and of course our annual trip to the UK NATIONAL AIRSOFT FESTIVAL at the end of it, there’s a lot to get done when everyone gets back from their hols… before of course we have our annual office shutdown in September… even servers need love you know!

So, a shorter than usual SFTW from us this week, and we hope that if you’re on your own hols right now that you’re having a GREAT time! For those playing this weekend, we’ll say “have a good one”, and as always… Play hard, Play safe, and above all, Play with Honour!