It’s the start of a new month at AAHQ, and also the start of Q4 2024 so there’s a lot going on, and an awful lot to look forward to in the months ahead… and of course there’s also ISSUE 167 to get nailed for the 15th of the month!

The new issue is really shaping up well, and we’ll have a LOT to share with you all as always, but in the meantime life, and airsoft life, goes on at pace with the team hitting the workshop, range, and the field this coming weekend!

Bill has now settled back into “airsoft business as usual” mode following his well-earned vacation last month and told us “Issue 167 is really looking cool right now, and pretty much everything is at layup stage… so next week it’ll be onto proofing before we get everything ready to upload on the 15th! I’m going to be spending some time with my OPFOR armoury this weekend… I’ve got final testing to do on the Arcturus K9 Custom, a few more BBs to send through the Double Bell SAIGA, I want to get some more testing done on the TM AKX GBB, and then I need to get my personal AKs zoned in as Ben and Jimmy are actually dragging me out to a skirmish at the end of the month… although I’ve been on some training courses and a MilSim or two it’s the first simple skirmish day since I finished my Cancer treatments and I am genuinely excited!”

Stewbacca told us that “this weekend, typhoon buggering off in time and permitting, Team TaiJi will once again be forming half of one team in another “POLK” MilSim event, this year we’re holding it much later in the year to avoid the heatstroke of POLK3, and we’re going to the West Coast this time down in Miaoli not far from Pewniversity, 160 or so players from various teams will descend in force for a large beachfront operation that looks to pit our wits and weapons against each other in pitched mock battle, followed by much needed showers and a change of clothes before the epic hog roast dinner and drinks among good friends sharing war stories and camping out together before the Sunday’s final action. Sod of by Friday please, tropic thunder!”

Miguel added to our team chat and said “this Sunday will be a special one, we are going to start our process to welcome the players who are interested in joining the team. Although we reached a total of 15 candidates before closing the sign-ups, we are already down to 13, and the first day isn’t even done! This process, that we call “Admission Course” is a filter, every time one starts, we get a lot of interested people. But it’s impossible for us to take 10 new players, who we don’t know, out to games with other teams, etc. So we are going to close down for the next few weekends, to work with the new guys. Show the ones who are completely new to this what airsoft is all about, the games, big or small, basic rules, etc. And those who already have some experience, our way of being in the field, and the team spirit!”

Dan is also out and about, and told us that “I should be hitting up a event this weekend, “Warhawk East”, which is the successor event to “Warhawk West”. I missed the first one, simply because it’s held across the state and I was attending OP: Pegasus XV at the time. I understand this is conducted by another event host so I’m curious to see how the format works or if it’s going to be your usual chaos-skirmish. Fall is finally creeping in up this way, so the weather and temperature should be just about perfect!”

So, very much a busy weekend ahead for the core team, and it genuinely is “airsoft business as usual” for the entire AA Crew!

We hope that you’ve got some airsoft adventures of your own lined up for this coming weekend, and whatever you may be doing we hope that you’ll have just as much fun as we intend to have ourselves! Whatever you may be involved in, and wherever you may be slinging BBs in this big, fabulous airsoft world of ours as always we’ll say Play hard, Play safe, and above all, Play with Honour!