Show Season is slowly but surely fading behind us now, but what a lot the manufacturers and distributors had to show us! At AAHQ we’re gradually working through all that we saw, and all the notes that we took, and working out how on earth we’re going to fit all this airsoft goodness into 100 pages every month…

But with work done, and projects for the rest of the year now ongoing, it really is time for the AA Crew to turn their attention back to “the meat” of what we do, namely testing new AEGs, GBBs, and equipment, and gear… and getting out to PLAY AIRSOFT!

The tone in our regular weekly chat has really turned a corner; where it WAS all about who was going to be doing what at the shows, now it’s very much a case of who is going to be picking up the latest models to get onto the range and in-game for testing, and which games we’re going to head to individually and collectively.

Plans are most definitely being hatched, and logistics discussed, so it really is very much “airsoft business as usual at AAHQ again!

In our team chat this week Stewbacca told us that “this weekend Team Taichi are planning on venturing to the north of Taipei to the tile factory site we haven’t been to for a while, I think I’ll take the VFC FNC for another spin as I like fielding that every so often to remind myself just how fun it is, and I’m worked up on reviews of other guns as such. Also shooting again tonight at Linkou CQB with a small bunch of the guys and doing some other product testing…”

Miguel (pictured in full “Command Mode” this week!) said “it’s time to do some more work with the newer members of the team. This time we are focusing on team formations and hand signs. It will be followed by a small skirmish so that everyone can do some shooting!” whilst his team-mate and one of our latest AA LEGION recruits Bruno added “this weekend? More airsoft! We going to have a private team training for us newcomers to learn more about military strategy and communications, which is quite important, lots of players don’t know how to use a radio for instance, that why we say, PTT ( PUSH TO THINK)!”

After getting out last weekend Dan commented “I’m going to be whittling away at the article and photos for the new pew pew that arrived last week and tinker a bit with some new secret sauce KWA sent over for testing”, and also over in the USA Robbie said “no airsoft, but I’ll be at a LARP this weekend. Hopefully in the next month I’ll be out with Overwatch Productions (a drone operator) to see what they are planning for some airsoft events this upcoming season…”

Ben is back to full fightin’ form and told us “Cool Under Fire on Sunday…and I’m gonna push hard as I’ve not been out to play for a while… then on the 6 April I’m booked on for the CQB Airport Terminal at Manston in Kent…gonna be hella fun! I’ll get some new third-person clips for the YouTube video with the selfie drone too…” whilst Rich added “I’m working Sunday morning but off to South Central Airsoft in the afternoon!”, and it would appear that Boycie and Li’l Stu are up to their usual secret-squirrel shenanigans, and darkly hinted that they’ll be “up to something with kit”

Bill rounded out our chat by saying “ISSUE 172 is all good to go for Saturday, so I’ll be behind my PC most of the weekend as there’s ALWAYS a lot that happens when we release the monthly! Then I’m straight on to ISSUE 173 as this needs to completed a little earlier than usual due to our impending ‘spring break’ that we take around this time every year; AAHQ will be shut for a couple of weeks as we get the website and servers sorted (never stops tbh!) and then take our own vacations, but deadlines never change and I need to make sure that everything is in place for the April upload!”

Sadly both Bill and Jimmy have been suffering from the “spring lurgy” that’s doing the rounds, so we wish them a swift recovery, but given Bill’s comment above if just goes to show that we ain’t got time to be ill, there’s simply too many exciting things to be getting on with!

And we hope that the weekend ahead has some equally exciting things in store for you, and that you’re ready for more airsoft adventures of your own! We’ll sign off as we always do this week though by saying if you’re out and in-game then Play Hard, Play Safe, and more than anything… Play with Honour!