It’s been somewhat of a quieter week at AIRSOFT ACTION HQ as we always leave a few days for a new issue to settle in here on the website before we get back into the swing of “airsoft business as usual”, and the week ahead of us is an exciting one as we have more news to share with you, and of course on Thursday Bill, Jase, and Miguel will be heading off to Germany for IWA 2025!

The appointment schedule at IWA is as rammed-full as it usually is, and we’re excited to see the physical products that so many of our industry partners have been teasing us with over the past few weeks… it certainly looks like it’s going to be another show to remember!

But what of that “airsoft business as usual”?

Bill kicked things off this week in our group catch-up-chat, and told us that “it certainly is a very exciting week ahead; Jase and I are fully prepped for IWA, all the plans made, and a schedule that’s going to be gruelling with meetings on the hour, every hour, for the three days we’re at the show. With Miguel joining us, we’re fully intent on seeing just as much as we can, and then landing the report for ISSUE 172 on 15 MARCH! This weekend though I have a real “range treat” to look forward to as the VORSK VMP-2 just landed, and it looks amazing… I cannot wait to get this onto the woods range!

Stewbacca is out and about as usual and said “weather and attendees permitting we’re hoping to do a force on force training thing with some of our CivDef students. Failing that Team TaiJi will be at one of our new outdoor sites, or default to Linkou CQB if the weather turns out to be damp.”

Miguel commented “this Sunday we are organizing an event called 2-5. It’s an event of the THE GAME community that we are part of. It’s a simple event, with 5 domination areas located in a thick forest and 5 timed secondary missions which are grab and deliver but with a small twist. The event will use ARES ALPHA, so the players always know which faction is controlling what.”

Ben (pictured this week with his VORSK VX-14 that’s been out again for RED CELL teating!) is out too, “out to play at cool under fire on Sunday” whilst Jimmy told us that “I’m a tad gutted because I got invited to go down to Portsmouth and play at South Coast CQB, but being a very popular site it became fully booked very early in the year. I was placed on a standby list, so there’s me thinking someone somewhere may cancel giving me the opportunity to go. It was only last week I found out that I would be number 35 on the standby list… plans are now for Saturday to spend some time in the workshop and make my way through the mountain of barrels I need to machine and Sunday at Cool Under Fire too for the February Fallout.”

Dan will also be at the workbench, “I should have the next item I’ll be working up a review article for in by this weekend! Aside from that, I’m just in a hurry up and wait mode for parts to roll in so I can finish up a few builds here. UPS is taking their sweet sweet time. *sigh*

Rich and Boycie are sadly heads down at their respective “day jobs” so sadly there’s no airsoft for them this week, but we all need to pay for our airsoft fix don’t we? Just like you mob out there, we need to earn a crust to support our “6mm habit”!

So, another week, another show on the horizon and LOTS to look forward to… whatever you may be doing this weekend we hope you have a good one, and if you’re out playing too then as always Play hard, Play safe, and above all, Play with Honour!